U.S. Senate Majority, Unlike Connecticut Dems, Wants Joe Lieberman

Tuesday November 25, 2008
It’s the lunch hour and Joe Lieberman, John McCain’s not-quite running mate, is staging a news conference in an apparent attempt to rehabilitate himself, even as some state Democrats work to censure him and ask him to leave the party for partisan election-year crimes.
But since it doesn’t look as if there will be 61 Senate Democrats next year, Joe’s not going to be drummed out of the party.
The Blogster just got off the horn with Nancy DiNardo, Democratic state chairwoman, who believes that since Barack Obama has sent the message that Lieberman’s needed in the caucus, Connecticut Dems won’t ask him to leave during the next meeting of state central on December 17th.
“Basically, I am hearing that President-elect Obama wants Joe Lieberman in the caucus, so I think people are feeling that they will be keeping him in the party, but they clearly want him to know they’re not happy with his supporting McCain and criticizing Obama,” DiNardo predicted.
In the committee’s October meeting, there was a movement to censure Lieberman – whose loss to Ned Lamont in the 2006 primary sent him on an orbit closer to Republicans on the war issue and McCain for president – and ask him to resign his party affiliation.
State party members were still smarting over Lieberman’s speech at the GOP National Convention.
DiNardo predicted that during that December 17 meeting, some form of communication may result that will be sent to Lieberman, criticizing his doing business for McCain.