Are The Tea Leaves Lining Up? Check Your Office Pool! Rell, Dems, May Be Inching (Finally) Toward A Budget Deal

The Blogster doesn’t want to spoil a surprise, or even curse the darkness, but the possibility of rolling through the first quarter of the 2009-10 fiscal year without a budget might finally be having an effect on the insulated governor and leaders of the General Assembly. Majority Democrats this afternoon may threaten to run a budget when they gather on Thursday to crazily bond $950 million (!!!!!!????) to cover last year’s debt and approve school construction projects. Meanwhile, there are rumblings in the Republican governor’s camp that some kind of compromise offer may be forthcoming that could get us out of the budget frying pan and into the eventual fire of the 2011, when there will be neither $1.4 billion in emergency reserves nor $1.5 billion in federal stimulus money to support the state’s budget.