Healy Rants, Larson Coos. It’s the Morning After the State-of-the Union


The Blogster is grateful for their relatively concise summations of last night’s address by the president. Here’s first GOP State Chairman Chris Healy, doing his guerrilla politics react, followed by US Rep. John Larson, D-Connecticut, whose white mane, spotted in the crowded House chamber last night, reminded the Blogster of a hybrid between Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd, which is the look he’s cultivating.

First Healy’s rant:

“After his agenda took a stunning defeat in Massachusetts, President Barack Obama claims he finally gets the message and has opted to join the American people in their anger.  What he fails to understand is that the frustration stems directly from the leftward agenda he has tried to push through Congress despite the overwhelming protests of voters.  They’re furious because the Obama Administration promised that his so-called $787 billion economic stimulus experiment would keep employment under eight percent, but today the national unemployment rate is ten percent and Connecticut has lost nearly 37,000 jobs since Obama took office.  They’re irate because rather than focusing on getting America back to work, his Administration has consistently tried to use the economic crisis as a means to pass his expensive liberal agenda of cap-and-trade, government-run health care, and unsustainable budgets. 


“It is clear that the President and his Democratic allies are playing politics, hoping that voters will have forgotten the billions of dollars that have been spent over the past year.  The Obama Administration has put American prosperity at risk dropping the ball on national security, adding $9.1 Trillion to our national debt over the next decade and jeopardizing the world’s best healthcare system for the sake of more government control.”


“Republican victories in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts have shown that President Obama has no coattails; three states that the President won in the fall of 2008 and lost in 2009 and 2010.  Chris Dodd saw the writing on the wall and decided to retire. Sending another Democrat like Dick Blumenthal to Washington will only lead to more government takeovers, weakened national security policy and Connecticut voters deserve better.”

Now Larson’s coo:

“President Obama reminded us tonight that our country has faced trials before and prevailed and we will do so again with a renewed sense of hope and encouragement.  This country has weathered a horrible economic storm and we are now faced with the trying task of repairing the damage. Democrats will continue to do so by keeping our promise to middle class Americans that we will fight on their behalf.   

“The President laid out a clear plan tonight to create jobs and rebuild our economy.  2 million Americans have a job right now thanks to the work we have already done on the Recovery Act.  We gave 95% of working Americans a tax break.  And, we won’t stop now.  We will invest in small businesses, the engines of job growth in this country, and invest in our nation’s infrastructure.  We will also rebuild our manufacturing sector to keep jobs in this country and increase our exports around the world.


“President Obama recognized that the House of Representatives has acted time and time again to put the middle class first on issues like job creation, education, clean energy and reforming our broken financial system.  Now, our colleagues in the Senate must act as well.  The President called on the minority in the Senate to use their power responsibly – not just to obstruct progress, but to govern in the best interest of the American people.  They must heed his call.”