Blumenthal Counts the Offshore-Money-Hiders


 The Blogster would like to know how many of those 148 tax-dodging state taxpayers who voluntarily disclosed their secret bank accounts with Swiss-based UBS, live in Greenwich.

 The state Dept. of Revenue Services reported last week that the program has netted $2 million in tax revenue. Here’s some distillation of this morning’s news release.

           “Wealthy tax evaders should heed this last call:  pay up now or pay penalties later,” said Blumenthal, whose office began an investigation last year to see how many of the 4,450 Americans who sent money to UBS in attempt top evade taxes. “Our investigation will ultimately and inevitably identify all tax evaders who secretly hid money in offshore UBS accounts, shortchanging hard-working Connecticut taxpayers.”

            Blumenthal said the identities of the account holders will eventually be shared with state officials, “exposing state tax evaders to significant penalties.”