Sunday Alcohol Sales Will Probably Die, Again, But What’s a “Can Opener?”

Mostly because Sen. Tom Colapietro, D-Bristol is co-chairman of the General Law Committee and he opposes an expansion of alcoh(o)l sales and has proven it in recent years by killing this legislation. The Blogster doesn’t have an overall opinion about whether beer and/or booze should be sold on Sunday for off-premises consumption. But I kind of liked what West Hartford Police Chief Jim Strillacci just told the Program Review Committee:

 “Sunday sales would enable people who are problem drinkers to overindulge their vice. Sober citizens like you and I can plan ahead for that weekend cookout and buy ahead. The people that are going to have trouble with this are the people who can handle a can opener and can’t handle a calendar. They can’t look one day ahead. This will make life easy for them if you change this law, to wake up drunk and early on a Sunday morning and say ‘I have to get some more booze.’ If there’s more drinking we’re going to have more alcohol-related crimes, alcohol-related traffic accidents and especially things like domestic violelnce in which alcohol and other substance abuse is a relative major factor.”

So what’s a can opener? It must be like a bottle opener, before the invention of the pop-top, perhaps. The Blogster’s denying he’s old enough to have opened a beer with a can opener.