Education Chairman Enjoys Run-on Sentence

 The Blogster likes Sen. Tom Gaffey of Meriden, the co-chairman of the Education Committee. But Gaffey delved into the land of the run-on sentence in reaction today to the state Supreme Court’s ruling that keeps alive a complaint over the adequacy of public education in Connecticut.

Here’s Gaffey’s quote, via audiotape: “It has the potential, certainly, to seriously change the landscape as far as how we fund education in the state of Connecticut, recognizing the need to provide funding equitably across the state to ensure that every child, regardless of how wealthy or how poor their municipality may be, or how difficult a municipality has in raising property taxes, because there’s a great disparity in wealth across this state that the Supreme Court has recognized for many years, since Horton versus Meskill, that each and every child in Connecticut will be guaranteed a suitable education, not just a free elementary and secondary education, but a suitable and adequate education.”