Rell to Fedele: Thanks, Mike, for Your Support. You Can Go Home in January, Now.

In 2006, Michael Fedele was persuaded by Gov. Jodi Rell to end his political retirement and run as her lieutenant governor. For about four years, he was a loyal second banana, running the Senate, sitting in on budget meetings and keeping his mouth shut and letting his multi-million-dollar information technology company run itself. When the chance came to bestow a little loyalty of her own on Fedele, when she announced last year she would not run for re-election, Fedele thought her endorsement was coming. But it never happened. That endorsement would surely have been enough for Fedele to overcome Tom Foley’s 3-pt primary victory Tuesday night. But the Blogster thinks Foley won the GOP gubernatorial nomination when Foley slapped him with that court suit over the CEP public-campaign-funding cash. That week wasted in court was a week Fedele could have had those attack ads against Foley on TV.