Rep. Larry Miller Doesn’t Let the 114-37 Democratic House Majority Get Him Down

Veteran Rep. Larry Miller, R-Stratford, is apparently planning for a Republican groundswell in the electrorate this fall. Facing a current 114-37 majority, Republicans can’t exactly get what they want in the state House of Representatives. Yet here’s Miller today announcing plans to introduce legislation next January to require either a state-wide referendum vote or  a 2/3 vote from both houses of the General Assembly before any tax-raising legislation can become law.

“With the difficult economic situation Connecticut is in, letting the people decide how their money is spent is the right thing to do,” Miller said in a news release.  “For too long the majority party has pushed through legislation that disregards the will of the people, raises taxes on towns and municipalities and ultimately hurts the taxpayer.”

The Blogster expects this will die in the Finance Committee, assuming Miller gets re-elected this fall.