Liquor distributors to suspend sales of Four Loko

You’ve probably heard of those alcoholic energy drinks that are making college students pass out around the country. Gov. Jodi Rell and Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Jerry Farrell have gotten Connecticut’s liquor wholesalers to agree to voluntarily suspend their delivery of Four Loko, Four Maxed and Joose. The ban starts December 10th, so for you folks in search of wide-awake-blotto, be warned of the deadline.

“These drinks could pose serious public health and safety risks for consumers,” Rell said in a statement. “Across the country, we have read stories about how minors have indulged in these drinks to the point of requiring emergency medical attention. We want to see to it that we do not read about similar instances here in Connecticut.” The stuff, produced by Phusion Projects and the Joose drinks, are distributed by Dichello Distributors of Orange, Hartford Distributors of Manchester, Levine Distributors of Norwich, Star Distributors of West Haven and Dwan & Company Distributors of Torrington. The Food and Drug Administration is currently reviewing the bruising brew.