Sen. Looney presents immigration-related testimony for General Assembly hearing in New Haven

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  1. Marc Sandy Block says:

    Several practical comments to those who would deport the undocumented immigrants. First, consider demographics over dumb-ographics. I recently heard the California news that the ratio went from 15 workers to a retiree to maybe 4 or 5 to 1. The reporter observed: “It would have been alot worse, were it not for the immigrants who are having children who are working. Second, are those employers who could not continue their businesses without the immigrant workers. “We want them on that wall. We need them on that wall.” And third, I have enjoyed the American dream [starting in Bridgeport and now living in Weston] because my immigrant grandfather was able to drive to work at Sikorski’s for twenty years and my father was able to drive on his job for forty years and support our family. Aside from the points made by others on revenues, insurance, and safer roads, providing limited driver’s licenses is helpful economics and a right thing to do.