Gov. Malloy answers question on background checks two ways: long and short

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2 Responses

  1. Dinx says:

    Nothing wrong with background checks for all gun transfers. And make sure that there is a mental illness database that includes everyone and anyone who takes the prescription psychotherapeutic drugs that have shown to turn people into killers.

    But no gun bans, no mag limits, no calling a regular rifle with a grip an “assault weapon”. Stay away from the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

  2. daid says:

    BR check for getting on a plane? He’s goofy. More lies lies lies…that’s all democrats can do because the 2nd amendment does not exist to them. Guns are property..we cannot sell our property w/o a government OK? Outrageous. a BR chk did not stop the sandy hook killings. And I could care less about the sandy hook killings. I was not involved. Sounds like democrats would be happier if next time the kids are killed with a shotgun…idiots. 2nd amendment – don’t like it? Move to China. I won’t be changing any of my guns or mags.