“Great party,” lowers tone of campus sex debate

mikebocchinoFreshman Rep. Mike Bucchino, R-Greenwich, left, made his mark on this morning’s debate in the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee on the “affirmative consent” bill that would require domestic partners on college and university campuses, faculty or students, to participate in active, voluntary agreement on all phases of sexual activity.

Bucchino said he’s concerned that false claims of rape, even after consent, could befall a student because it comes down to one person’s word against another’s. “The number one reason why we should be looking at this bill with much more detail, laser-like approach, saying where is it that there’s an opportunity for a misinterpretation? Something that could be misinterpreted. Where is it that we leave an opportunity of a loophole, of someone people able to use this to their advantage in hurting someone else? No question is sexual assault a horrific thing. No question that date rape, those types of things that happen in colleges is disgusting and we need to do whatever it is that we can. But, in the same respect we have an obligation to make certain that this legislation that we will finally pass is true and just and cannot be interpreted in any other way. Right now, as Sen. (Kevin) Witkos (ranking member) said it’s almost asking for in that moment, in that heat of passion whether you are drunk or you are not, sign this this piece of paper, because at the end of the day there are no witnesses. At least if there are, it’s a really great party, but there are no witnesses involved. It’s that one individual with the other individual….”

Here’s the link to the committee video. The incident is around 43 minutes in.


Boldface is from the Blogster, who should mention at this juncture that the Republicans have no women members on the committee. Bucchino ultimately ended up voting for the bill, which passed 14-3.