Yearly Archive for 2006

: 2006

Hokey smokes!

Did it actually work? Are these things actually here? Is THIS actually here? Wow. Look, if you’ve been waiting for something to happen here since Sept. 7, please take a hop over to the Lifeboat. If

(Tap tap) Is this clown on?

what is going on with this blog?

How stupid can you get…

It wasn’t 24 hours earlier that I watched people spraying champagne around Flushing. So how could I forget, covering the Bridgeport Bluefish tonight as they tried to clinch, to bring a change of

Camptown races

(I am really taking a lot on faith by continuing to post these entries, eh?) Hopefully COMPLETE LIST OF BST IN NHL CAMPS COLORADO — Ben Guite, Peter Tsimikalis (ATO) CHICAGO — Jeff Hamilton, Steve

It just takes a smidgen!

Might not be a spring (a supahring?) afternoon in the park, but life imitates Tom Lehrer anyway: TEXARKANA, Texas (AP) — Poisoned pigeons began nose-diving into pavement and dying on downtown

Exordium and Termination

In case this ever pops back up… So how about that 15-year deal? Insane, huh? Well… I’m not sold on “insane.” Weird? Sure; you don’t watch a guy sign a 15-year contract every day. Questionable?

5YA: September 11, 2001

The night before was so typical: the Giants, some surfing, a lot of data entry, long-term advance for the preview. Sounds a bit like last night. I rolled over at about 3:30 or so, maybe closer to 4,

What’s black and white and…

…Actually, before that, just caught that Paul Flache signed with Gwinnett in the Coast. Here’s hoping this is a better year medically for the big guy. UPDATE — Check out this story from the Gwinnett

What's black and white and…

…Actually, before that, just caught that Paul Flache signed with Gwinnett in the Coast. Here’s hoping this is a better year medically for the big guy. UPDATE — Check out this story from the Gwinnett

Spin again

One year ago today, this popped up in this little corner of the Interweb, followed quickly by two placeholders and a little further introduction. I had no idea what was gonna come next. So thank you