Tweets from the scene: How the tragedy unfolded locally on Twitter

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4 Responses

  1. nane says:

    Hey I am very very sorry for 20 kid and 6 adult by kid special my heart is broken what happend am diseterbed still now I saw the kid picture. I here it the news from internet oo my GAD the babies!!!!

  2. LogicalOne says:

    @believer Grow up already.

  3. Believer says:

    When will people wake up and realize that with the rejection of Jesus Christ / God from schools – and associated rejection of teaching of godly character – then it is no surprise that these things happen.

  4. […] 5:10 p.m.: The Connecticut Post has created a detailed timeline of the shooting as it unfolded on social media. Nick Ivey tweeted, “heard the shots from a mile […]