Boughton not ready to concede

As Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz was on TV declaring Democrat Dan Malloy the winner in the governor’s race, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, Mark Boughton, said the numbers aren’t matching up.

Boughton was at his desk as mayor of Danbury this morning, but said he would be heading to Stamford to meet with running mate Tom Foley.

“We’re trying to get to the bottom of this right now,” Boughton said shortly after noon.

He said headquarters numbers showed Foley and him ahead by “a couple hundred” votes. But Bysiewiez was saying that unofficial numbers showed Malloy leading by a couple of thousand votes.

Boughton, who said he was feeling good “win-lose-or-draw,”  said the close call reminds him of his first race  for mayor of Danbury 10 years ago. He won that year by 130 votes, out of about 17,000 cast.

“I’m used to this,” he said.

Jacqueline Smith