What goes around comes around. Finch vs. Gomes

Sen. Edwin Gomes, D-Bridgeport allied himself with Mary-Jane Foster’s ultimately unsuccessful bid to unseat Bill Finch, the city’s Democratic mayor, last fall.

Gomes appeared in a radio advertisement for Foster’s campaign in which he criticized Finch, his one time colleague in the state Senate, as having done nothing for the city.

Well, what goes around comes around. It appears Finch does not plan on making Gomes’ bid for re-election an easy one.

The mayor was in attendance Monday when state Rep. Andres Ayala, D-Bridgeport  formally announced his candidacy for Gomes’ seat.

City Democrats meet next Monday night to nominate either Gomes, Ayala or Ernest Newton II, Gomes’ predecessor who wants to return to politics after spending time in prison for corruption.

Asked Wednesday following his weekly lunch with constituents at city hall if his appearance with Ayala equalled an endorsement, Finch said, “Stay tuned.”

He said he’d have appeared at events with Gomes or Newton if invited, but added, “I don’t think I’ll be invited to Ed’s. He won’t talk to me.”

Other than Gomes’ endorsement of Foster, Mario Testo, chairman of the city’s Democrats, said Thursday he does not know why there is bad blood between Finch and Gomes.

“I don’t have no clue on that,” Testo said. “I’m surprised. I don’t know why they’re not very friendly because they both served in the Senate together. But I don’t have no clue what happened between the two.”

Brian Lockhart