Author: McMahon twisted my words

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9 Responses

  1. lck says:

    McMahon is a typical republican, even when the error or out of context statement is pointed out they continue to use it for their own advantage, disingenuous at best or blatant lies that they continue.

  2. […] McMahon might have over-reached on at least one front. A former C-SPAN scholar, Ilona Nickels, is furious that a McMahon mailer took remarks she made to a newspaper out of context—and when I say […]

  3. […] voters as to why they overwhelmingly rejected her last time she tried to buy a Senate seat. As is this story about how brazenly dishonest and deceptive her campaign can be. She’s using a tiny fragment […]

  4. greg says:

    mcmahon and her consultants have repackaged her as this empathetic grandmotherly figure, when in reality, she is dead on with the right wing republican agenda. using her ill gotten WWF gains, over the battered bodies of her wrestlers, she is again trying to buy an election.i dont like murphy either, but i will do what is takes to prevent this snake oil saleswoman out of the senate. so far, she has spent almost $20 million.

  5. […] voters as to why they overwhelmingly rejected her last time she tried to buy a Senate seat. As is this story about how brazenly dishonest and deceptive her campaign can be. She’s using a tiny fragment […]

  6. Prudence Do Good says:

    More of LInda’a lies

  7. […] The author of a investigate on members of Congress and their assemblage during cabinet hearings is seeking Linda McMahon’s (R) Connecticut Senate campaign to stop regulating a quote that takes her out of context. […]

  8. […] The author of a study on members of Congress and their attendance at committee hearings is asking Linda McMahon’s (R) Connecticut Senate campaign to stop using a quote that takes her out of context. […]

  9. Jeff Wright says:

    Chris Healy said it best. Chris Murphy is like the college frat boy in search of the external kegger. Boyah!!!