5 hits and 5 misses in the first presidential debate


1. Mitt comes out swinging. Supposedly, Romney got no sleep Tuesday night. But the President was the one who looked tired. Romney started out with a lot more zip and Obama seemed tired and tentative in the first segment regarding jobs and taxes. He repeated himself several times without providing more explanation. Advantage: Romney.

2. The president fights back on bank regulation. “Does anybody think the problem is we had too much regulation of Wall Street?” He made Romney’s atttack on Dodd-Frank seem disingenuous and insincere. Every time Romney is pushed to extol the virtues of handing things to private enterprise, “Bain Capital” resonates in voters’ minds. Advantage: Obama.

3. Romney kicks butt on defining the role of government. Whether or not you agree with him about the role of government, he was crisp and definite. Obama was unfocused and lost in the weeds. Did he play hooky instead of preparing for this debate? Watch the Bears on Monday Night Football? I can’t believe a constitutional scholar who moved millions with his eloquence four years ago was as scattered and unclear as he was most of the night. Advantage: Romney.

4. Romney kept the race going. A weak performance could have effectively ended a campaign in which the President went in with a clear lead in the swing states. Instead, Obama’s listless, tongue-tied performance let him back in big-time. Romney also avoided any hideous gaffes, which was key. Advantage: Romney.

5. Trickle-down government. Mitt coined a phrase that neatly turned the discussion away from Republican voodoo economics to Democratic we-know-what’s-best-for-you governmental control. It was one more example that the challenger utterly controlled the conversation. Advantage: Romney.


1. Too cautious to score points. “I suspect that on Social Security we’ve got a somewhat similar position.” Obama seemed so scared of making a major blunder that he didn’t even swing at fat pitches like this one, on entitlements. He said he wanted to get to Medicare but didn’t even go after the Ryan budget until absolutely pushed by Romney’s aggressive answer. Then he went into a lecture on entitlement instead of straight talk on an issue that should break in his favor. Advantage: Romney.

2. Professor Obama strikes. The sum of all fears for Obama’s handlers was for him to go all didactic and explanatory.  On health care — one of the signal accomplishments of his first term — Obama let the issue slip away by offering up a mind-numbing, virtually incomprehensible graduate-school lecture. He’s no Bill Clinton, who can be a wonk without sounding like one. Advantage: Romney.

3. What happened to the 47%? Obama utterly failed at reminding voters that his opponent has been docmented to be utterly dismissive of almost half of the electorate. He kept talking about what he and Romney agree about. He seemed unwilling to engage on the most basic Democratic-Republican differences. He not only wasn’t pugnacious, he was deferential. Advantage: Romney.

4. Obama allowed Mitt to continue to avoid specifics. With his rambling, non-confrontational approach, he was totally unable to pin Romney down and point up the glaring lack of substance to the Romney positions on several issues. Meanwhile, Romney had a free field to control the debate in many ways.   Obama ultimately realized this and tried to rally with the “do you think he’s hiding the specifcis because they’re good?” line. But it was too little too late. Advantage: Romney.

5. Where was the passion? The president cannot afford to be cool and detached. He was so detached as to appear almost as bored as George H.W. Bush did when he famously checked his watch. This is a politician whose stock in trade has been the ability to communicate his passion to the electorate. He was completely passionless Wednesday night. Advantage: Romney.

David McCumber, Washington Bureau Chief