The ten most egregious lies of the presidential campaign

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5 Responses

  1. Denia says:

    Oops! Sorry, I miscounted. It is 19 & 7. Interestingly, though, when you add up the percentages of Mostly False, False & Pants on Fire, Gov. Romney’s add up to 41% and Pres. Obama’s to 28%.

  2. Denia says:

    Going back to the 2008 campaign, I counted 20 “Pants on Fire” for Gov. Romney & 6 for Pres. Obama. Also, if you’re going to mention semantics, perhaps you should make it clearer that the request for more security was NOT from Benghazi. Jus’ sayin’!

  3. K Smith says:

    Many of these “fact-checking” statements aren’t facts, they’re opinions–or false. Start with the first one: Obama’s “apology tour.” No, he never explicitly said, “I apologize for what the U.S. has done.” But he did call past U.S. policy “arrogant,” “derisive” and having “too often… set [our] principles aside,” and he pledged that he was going to do things differently. That’s pretty much an apology in effect, even if the word wasn’t used.

    Likewise, #9 is a blatant lie–not Ryan’s statement, but this article’s claim that he said that “Obama closed the Janesville, Wisc. GM plant.” No, Ryan never said that; he said the plant was closed less than a year after Obama made his speech there. That is true; it stopped producing vehicles in April 2009, after Obama’s car bailout program was underway, but Ryan didn’t charge Obama with the action. He was just pointing out that Obama’s expansive rhetoric about how the government could save the plant didn’t hold up.

    The press, including the so-called fact checkers, did a great job covering for their preferred candidate. Pat yourself on the back.

  4. maureen says:

    this article was definitely written by a liberal democrat

  5. festus says:

    Obama is definately better than Romney

    at lying