Rob Simmons Says It Was More Than The Q Poll That Had Him Gunning For Dodd’s Seat

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2 Responses

  1. Bill Evans says:

    Rob Simmons is a great man and a hero but i feel Sam Caliguri is out and out the best candidate at this point from a strategic standpoint for the Republican party. 2010 is going to be a change election similiar to 1994 and to have a man of integrity like Sam who is an ‘outsider’ to Washington will be our best chance for success. While Rob Simmons and Chris Shays are fine men, the Dodd commercials will feature George Bush over and over again! I can see them now…..Simmons or Shays morphing into President Bush, lists of their votes supporting him, pictures of them together smiling, etc. Republicans will then run commercials highlighting the ‘Lying Weasle’ oped against Dodd and it will be the same old campaign in the end.
    Sam is an accomplished Republican and with the mentality of ‘throw the bums out ‘which will be widespread next year, he can and will win by a large margin. My fear is that by having a politician who was in the national spotlight for a long time, they will be seen as more of the same and will not excite new people to come out and support real change!
    Bill Evans-Contributor

  2. Charles says:

    Don’t know why Simmons was “stunned”, anybody who has been paying attention can see Dodd is in trouble. Democrats have to ask themselves – who has the balls to primary Dodd?

    Bill Dyson should go for it, it’d be a nice cap to his career. He’s a standup guy with integrity, he would win the primary.