Happy Anniversary John “Why Should I Resign If I’ve Done Nothing Wrong?” Rowland

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3 Responses

  1. Tom Kelly says:


    He was never my “boy”. I guess you never saw my website, say-it aint-so-joe.com, back in 1999, when the Boys in the Band at the Post saw, spoke, and heard no evil about Ganim. You may remember our discussion when you recruited Amy, as she was on the case, with a little help from her friends. Joe never did fess-up to his sins. Rowland was born on third base, and Ganim was too, but Ganim got caught stealing home.

    See you at the local Dunkin’.

  2. Bob Fredericks says:

    Hey Tom,

    Your boy Joe is right where he belongs. He could have had a deal but insisted on proclaiming his innocence and lying through his teeth. Rowland admittedly got a serious break but you can blame Judge Dorsey for that. He never met a pedigreed defendant he didn’t fall in love with.

    And Ken, you might ask Debbie Rowland about John’s record of fidelity before giving him a pass on that count.

  3. Tom Kelly says:


    Meanwhile, “Say-It-So-Joe” Ganim is still in jail.Ganim’s gains paled in comparison to John Rowland. Johhny “we hardly new ya” is a perfect example of how the first one to the courthouse steps wins. Joe Ganim had a fool for a client.