McKinney Files For Marriage Dissolution

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7 Responses

  1. Vox Pop says:

    It seems the Senate Minority Leader has a little candor problem.

  2. pp says:


    If you believe there is no difference between a news reporter writing about a family’s divorce, like it is legit news and the rantings of bloggers you really should just quit your job now. If you believe that you should be held in high regard because you stifled free speech that was reacting to irresponsible reporting then, if you have a college degree, it should be take away.

  3. Ken says:

    Thanks for the e-mail. The item was from public records. McKinney’s a public figure. What may be “disgusting” are some of the comments I refused to post about the blog item.

  4. disgusted says:

    Ken you are disgusting to publish something like this, you should be ashamed of yourself and have your press pass’ shredded. Your editors should all be fired and your paper shut down. This is just another place of the media crossing the line into stupidity.

    SHAME ON YOU AND SHAME ON YOUR EDITORS. You are no journalist you are just scum (and that is being really nice).

  5. arlene says:

    Why not post my earlier comment re Mckinney and his late night habits ? Appropriate ? Out hypocrisy of elected legislators, especially those that espouse family values as their byword. Maybe the Courant would see the issue differently.Please respond.

    Concerned Citizen Arlene

  6. marlys says:

    I’m curious — why didn’t this make the print edition? There have been a number of occasions where the CT Post has dedicated column inches to the family matters of elected officials.

  7. Better days... says:

    If he is going through this difficult time it is best to focus on his family and kids. It is hard enough to face all the changes divorce brings, I couldn’t imagine being in the middle of a campaign for Congress. It would not be in the best interest of his kids. Having been there, I respect and understand his decision. I wish him and his family well.