Don’t You Hate It When Lawmakers Can’t Obey The Law?

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2 Responses

  1. bad karma says:

    LOL! Jason Bartlett is the vice-chairman of the appropriations committee? That’s like putting a crack addict in charge of the watching the cocaine in the evidence room. Vote for any tool but Bartlett!

  2. Concerned says:

    These are valid concerns. Throw the guy out.

    We have a tax cheat running our Treasury, a former President fooling around with interns, a current President who wasn’t born in America, a Senator who received mortgage deals running our banking committees, a State Rep driving without insurance or a license and is in arrears on his property taxes…..and all their responses are largely “Oops, had I known, I would have paid that fine” or “I am glad someone brought this to my attention”.

    Imagine Jeffrey Dahmer trying that same defense; “Oh, it’s wrong to k i l l and eat people? Oops,thanks for bringing that to my attention.”

    Aren’t there better people ready to stand up and run against these fools?