Her head is Beautiful

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3 Responses

  1. Ken Dixon says:

    Alas. It is not a likeness of Mr. Amann. But I wish folks visiting the Capitol would look at the new statue, now in full glorry atop its pedestal, then wander over to the plaster model 30 feet away. The Blogster believes that the model from 1877 has more of a frown than the new version.

  2. Robert Payne says:

    Shakespeare asked, “to be or not to be,” I submit to you, “to be Principled or not to be Principled, that is the question of our Political Times. Whether to craft and wield new legislation for the sake of doing so, or to fight for that which is agreance with the very substance of thy being. For, if any one person’s duties ought to be grounded in principle, should it not be the Statesman for he (or she) acts for the will not of himself, but for the masses who put him there. Therefore, should the Statesman not to hold true to some principle of greater quality than that which is to put one’s name on a new law. Because to do so is to say the People have no principle except that which is to restrict the very nature of Liberty.

    Can such principle exists? I do believe so, but should such principle be the principle which makes up the character of those whom are to represent the masses, I say not. For such shallow principle would only undermine, pervert, and otherwise decompose those Principles which any Nation of Liberty is founded on. To what end does the principle of supporting legislation for the sake of doing so, cease? I can not see an end and thus such a principle fundamentally must be the antithesis of Liberty. If such is true, ought not it be identifiable? Is it the person who says “Any Bill is acceptable at this point”, or the one who demands “A new Bill, for this one lacks in prudence.” I say “Nay!” to the one who is of acquiescence to Any Bill, and God Speed to one who requires more.

    Let not you be wooed by the fowler who poaches the wings of Liberty for it is your duty to demand with the voice of the heavens, a PRINCIPLED vote in your stead! Do not be fooled by the Seductionist who makes you fat with promises, but loathes your very sovereign right to Liberty. Stand up! Stand up I say! And show those Swine such mockery of your Principles will not fall on def ears, but shake the very root of thy own being. Stand up! And be more than impotent for your very existence should strike a fearsome roar that challenges the Lion in all its might. Stand up! And ask nothing more than this, that your representative vote be founded in a Principle greater than the proverbial depths of Shoel.

  3. cj says:

    Can you please confirm with your readers that the face on the statue is indeed not that of Jim Amann?