Donovan Admits Fiscal Mess Has Him Buried “Like Earthquake in Haiti”

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4 Responses

  1. jschmidt says:

    Donovan like every other Democrat never met a they didn’t like but will never cut a budget. Blumenthal, Donovan, they are all the same.

  2. George says:

    I attended the COST Convention! I witnessed the dialogue between Donovan and Cafero. What I heard is Donovan is looking for additional revenue streams while Cafero recognizes that those revenue streams have dried up and we need to reduce the cost of government. Donovan doesn’t get it! Government cannot tax and spend us out of this economic mess. We need to reduce the size of government and put money back in the hands of the job creators . . . which government is not!

  3. George says:

    Not quite. Donovan is part of the Earthquake that caused the state’s financial crisis, which has buried everyone. And now he whines about not knowing how to solve the borrow-and-spend mess he created.

  4. WTF says:

    Hey Dixon,

    Next time you title a blog: Donovan Admits Fiscal Mess Has Him Buried “Like Earthquake in Haiti” you might actually want a quote where the speaker is saying just that. Unlike when he actually says “We certainly don’t have the problems they have in Haiti”

    Stay classy Dixon…Douchbag!