Will Surpeme$ Ruling on Campaign Buck$ Trickle Down To State Politic$?

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3 Responses

  1. bumpercar says:

    It is nonsense and almost insane to claim that corporations (and unions) have the same type of “rights” under the Constitution as human beings. Corporations are created by the laws of the state, they do not exist independently of those laws.

    They aren’t people. They have the rights given to them by the laws that establish them.

    It’s not about the money “flooding” the system (from either the corporations or organized labor). It’s about logic.

  2. Anton says:

    Almost lost in the shuffle of liberal criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision [in Citizens United v. FEC]” is the position taken by the ACLU in the case. The ACLU, “darling of the left and the Obama Administration,” wrote an amicus brief in the case. It argued that:

    “The broad prohibition on “electioneering communications” set forth in Section 203 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, violates the First Amendment, and the limiting construction adopted by the Court in WRTL is insufficient to save it.” Accordingly, the Court should strike down Section 203 as facially unconstitutional and overrule that portion of McConnell that holds otherwise.”

    it is a bit jarring to hear President Obama, former Constitutional law professor and purported defender of our basic freedoms, as well as Blumenthal, Dodd, and DeLauro attack a First Amendement decision that is fully consistent with the position of the ACLU.

  3. Bocon says:

    When are you going top admit that your are a democrate pretending to be partial?? You are a progressive hack!!! By the way so is your entire newspaper. I hope you see what happened in the bastion of liberal/progressive ideology yesterday. Can’t you see you are wrong and actually let me say stupid for your reporting and beliefs!!!!You are a disgrace to the media establishment. The people have spoken and you haven’t been listening. Wake up!!!!