Chris Shays for Governor? Why Not? The Maryland Resident is Still on Bpt’s Voter Rolls!

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4 Responses

  1. matt says:

    When the office receives notice from the US Postal Service that Shays has moved, they will send him a notice, and he’ll have 30 days to respond or be removed from the active rolls. Bridgeport has not yet received their 2010 data from the USPS — they have until May to complete the process.

    Shays has, however, registered to vote in St Michaels, MD.

  2. guy says:

    It’s simple.

    Christopher Dodd is a crook and actsaccordingly in all things he does. Christopher Shays is not a crook. He mover to Maryland in earnest and has apperntly decided he want to return to Connecticut and run for Governor. You must be a die hard democrat and not to smart of one at that? Vote independent – The tow party system is a sham.

  3. cj says:


    Is there any way you can find out if he’s registered to vote in MD? That would be something…

  4. Sean says:

    Now, Mr. Dixon, as one of those journalists who were so scathing in their criticism of Chris Dodd for moving his family temporarily to Iowa while campaigning for president, let’s see if you’re willing to be equally scathing of Chris Shays for moving his family out of Connecticut- lock, stock, and barrel. No secondary residence, no suggestion that he would continue to work for Connecticut. Shays just skedaddled after his loss to Jim Himes. But all you can write is, “Chris Shays for Governor? Why Hot?”

    “Why not?” After going after Dodd for months for his move, that’s all you can say about Shays’ suggestion that he will run for governor after leaving the state? Again it seems that our press corps is willing to let the hypocrisy flow, going after Democratic politicians with fangs bared, but covering up for Republicans. After all, you are the guy who called Jim Himes a “forty two year-old blank slate”.

    Honestly, Mr. Dixon, pretending that you didn’t attack Dodd for moving out of state, while smoothing over Shays’ move to Maryland is pretty blatant.