Fedele\Boughton, Get State Funds to Invigorate Primary Campaign

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3 Responses

  1. hitch says:

    Interesting that it took 8 days to allow my comment to appear on your blog and your response with not an apology to your readers for the misinformation but only a comment about a record. I will point out that several recent mayors were elected to 4 terms, Serrani & Claps if my memory serves me well. Malloy was also elected to 4 terms but enjoyed a change in the City Charter changing the mayoral term from 2 years to 4, after his first term.

  2. Ken Dixon says:

    14 years as mayor is still the city record

  3. hitch says:

    Ken, please check your info when you write about candidate Dan Malloy, as you continually report, in error, he is a seven term Mayor of Stamford. This is misleading. Dan Malloy served four terms as Mayor of Stamford, one two year term and three four year terms.

    While you did not mention this erroneous fact in this entry of your blog, you did state it in your article published today on the Advocate site regarding the candidates service records in the Viet Nam era.