Last Gubernatorial Candidate to Win a Cross Endorsement: Raymond Baldwin, Republican of Stratford, Back in 1938

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2 Responses

  1. Neo says:

    Here’s the statement by Jerri Bardwell, former Bibb Mill employee:

    “I understand that Tom Foley is calling me a liar who never worked at the Bibb factory and was bought off by a lavish lunch.”

    “I am outraged, angry and hurt by this. I cannot believe Mr. Foley would stoop so low. Mr. Foley killed our factory, our jobs and our town, but he cannot kill our dignity. Mr. Foley you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope the voters of Connecticut teach you a lesson on Tuesday.”

    “And just for the record, I worked at the factory for 38 years, no one told me what to say or bought me lunch.”

  2. ccdemuth says:

    Accountability Autumn Follows “Recovery” Summer

    We are at the end of Recovery Summer and beginning of Accountability Autumn. Our incumbent congressman, Jim Himes, is running for re-election in a tough economic and political climate for incumbents with his voting record. Across the country, incumbents such as Himes are downplaying their votes for the stimulus, Obamacare, and record deficits. While Congressman Himes may be vulnerable this year, the 2010 election may also be a great opportunity for him if he is able to survive. That is because 2010 will be as bad as it gets for Himes in terms of accountability. If he can get a majority of voters to accept the status quo, then he will be practically invulnerable in future elections. Generally, incumbents face their toughest re-election battle after their freshman term. In this case, Himes’ first term ends amidst 10% unemployment. Two out of three voters in his district under the belief that Washington is on the wrong track. If he can overcome those odds, then he can do anything –- set aside his campaign season moderation and vote how he pleases in the future. If Himes can win this election, then Accountability Autumn may become as big a failure as Recovery Summer. So the question before the voters is whether or not the status quo is good enough. Because there may not be another chance at an Accountability Autumn like this one.