McMahon Campaign May Not Be As Close to Blumenthal As They Think

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4 Responses

  1. Ghost of Antric Klaiber says:

    Rick, you just don’t get it. This self-serving grandma will be sent packing. She will drive her black mercedes convertible into the sunset and back to her Conyers Farm mega-mansion where she can dote over Stephanie’s three daughters and laugh (without her absentee husband) about how she has no clue what a loaf of bread costs these days since it’s been years since she has stepped into a supermarket. Rick, please go back to making your inane comments on the Courant boards. We here in Stamford know exactly what kind of “businesswoman” occupied the CEO suite over at 1241 East Main.

  2. T says:

    Correction – I neglected to see that you were linking to the latest Raz report – my bad.

  3. T says:

    These polling sources have never been relied upon before – why all of a sudden are they tools by which to crucify McMahon?

  4. Rick M says:


    This back and forth stuff went on in Massachusetts right up until the day of the election where Martha Coakley was still ahead of Scott Brown.

    On the actual day of the election, a large group of Independents buried Coakley.