McMahon Attacks Blumenthal for ’89 Tax Hikes. Blumenthal Says in Same Year, McMahon was Tipping Off WWE Doctor to Pending Steroid Probe

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2 Responses

  1. Rick M says:

    We all know what this fight is about, folks.

    All politics aside, Dick Blumenthal goes to Washington, and the insane spending spree continues, and our businesses and individuals are taxed to death. The economy continues to suffocate.

    Linda McMahon goes to Washington and the spending spree ends, and our taxes our reigned in. Business stops sitting on the sidelines and our economy moves forward out of the abyss.

    Which will it be, Connecticut voters? For once, Connecticut voters hold a key vote. We are usually a state nobody cares about on the electoral map, but this year the entire nation is watching us.

  2. Paul G. Littlefield says:

    CNN interviews Blumenthal this morning and it took him three attempts to answer “(is) government the engine of job growth?” He doesn’t learn does he? After having been educated by the teacher of Business 101, Linda McMahon, Blumenthal still is stuck on “government, government, government.”

    How can voters believe Blumenthal is qualified to serve CT and the nation at the high level of Senator of the U.S. when he can not grasp simple concepts. He his not going to have his phalanx of 300 lawyers from the AG’s office to bail him out on the floor of the Senate.

    Linda McMahon demonstrates that she has the right stuff, the right views and the right attitude to be a Senator of the highest caliber.