Foley and Malloy Exchange Punches on Health Care

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2 Responses

  1. Carl Franklin says:

    “Foley’s Folly-Nomics”

    Tom Foley will gut the health care system in CT, like he did to the working class people in the textile company that he ruined.

    Foley should make you very afraid. His plans are unworkable, and will harm the middle class of CT. Only rich people and out of state contractors will make out ok under Foley. Everybody else, straight under the steam-roller of “Foley’s Folly-Nomics.” (Definition: state level governance and economics based on sheer theory and glossy PR, but not rooted in reality).

    Repeat this new phrase 10 times to 10 friends: “Foley’s Folly-Nomics” will wreck our state even worse!

    As a Republican, I intend to vote for Malloy. Maybe not the best choice, but far more reasonable in the Hartford context than Foley can ever hope to be.

    Go back to Greenwich and count your millions, Tom. You don’t belong in State politics, and your shallow policies will be destructive.

  2. Elizabeth M. says:

    Tom Foley is back-pedaling faster than a circus clown on a unicycle !