Healy seems eager to have Murphy as Democratic Senate candidate

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6 Responses

  1. Linda Camelio says:

    “When Connecticut voters find out who the real Chris HEALY is, they will realize he is nothing more than another old creep with nothing to say.” Healy, go away. You obviously know nothing. You supported candidates that couldn’t win just to manipulate things in favor of YOUR wife’s candidate, Linda McMahon. What a party leader you are!

  2. David says:

    CTGOP is an embarrassment. Simple as that. And the more they get involved in these races, the better chance Dems have to walk away with a few more from CT.

    Healy needs to go back to Starbucks.

  3. To Keep Healy Chair says:

    Get your facts straight!

    Simmons is a RINO that couldn’t win in the 2nd and would never have won as Senator.

    Fedele handed Malloy his entire campaign. Thanks Fedele!

    Bernier would never had made it a contest.

    People in Connecticut are pretty ignorant when it comes to politics. However, on a local and state representative level, Republicans are gaining ground.

    As a true Republican I look forward to the misteps of the Dems with no one to blame in the State.

    Malloy talks the talk, but walking the walk thru the Dem controlled legislature is another thing altogether!

  4. Anderson Scoper says:


    This Democrat loves the sound and the fury which is Chris Healy.

    Got to love the way he tossed Rob Simmons aside so his wife could cash in on Linda’s largesse.

    Simmons might have won. Fedele would be governor right now. And Bernier would have made it much more of a contest.

    Thank you Chairman Healy. Thank you!

  5. Political Hack says:

    What a joke.
    It was Healy that pushed Caligiuri into the race last year, assuring Murphy’s reelection.

  6. John says:

    Chris Healy: currently GOP party chair in a state with no federally elected Republicans. Enough said.