Malloy on the ropes? Guv forgets the former gubernatorial campaign trail

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2 Responses

  1. Chas Braxton says:

    Tom Foley would have caused World War III in this state if elected. His naive ideas and ego driven style would have crashed head on with the unions and the legislature. With his arrests and other messy past sins, Tom Foley will NEVER be elected to anything in CT politics. And he can snipe all he wants at Malloy, but Malloy is getting it done, and Foley would not have done any better, probably far worse. Give Malloy a chance to succeed. And send Foley back to Greenwich to count his millions.

  2. Pyrrho says:

    $2 billion in concessions isn’t painless but this is still a budget unions should love. Out of 50,000(?) state jobs, only 150 would be cut. Hard to take all the gnashing of teeth from labor leaders seriously when every single one of their jobs got protected. Does anyone out there in the private sector really believe every one of those state jobs is essential and worth raising taxes to save?