Finch, back in the Capitol with CCM, calls Malloy’s budget “best ever.”

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3 Responses

  1. Ken Dixon says:

    Have you checked GOP registration in Bridgeport? They all moved out.

  2. Mitch Beck says:

    What a gigantic surprise that a fellow Democrat who’s questionable (at very least) actions helped fix the election for Governor Imbecile would say that that very same Governor has the “best ever” budget.

    It is HORRENDOUS that Republicans cannot find suitable candidates, not only to defeat Finch, but to take care of business against some of the other super libs and questionable characters in this state.

  3. jschmidt says:

    Malloy knew when he proposed the budget, the legislature would not damage their standing with the unions. The Democrat controlled legislature will not require union cuts because the unions own the Democrats. The taxes will rise even further than Malloy is proposing. Cuomo of NY and Christie of NJ are both cutting and not raising taxes. But not the Democrats of CT who have spent our tax money and put us in this hole.
    CT is already ranked 47 as a business friendly state. The Democrats are pushing us done in the ranks even further.