Himes joins chorus for Weiner resignation

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3 Responses

  1. Veritas says:

    Right on, Publius!

    Himes’ call comes too late to be credible as a statement of personal conviction.
    Since when was being a ‘distraction’ cause for telling a member of Congress to step down?
    Could he have found a weaker-kneed reason? Probably not.
    Conduct unbecoming a Congressman and undermining the office would have been better, and should have been much sooner.
    It looks like Nancy told Jimmy which way the wind was blowing.

  2. Michael says:

    Welcome back Ken, hope you are well.

    Rep. Weiner should resign now, then go get the help he needs.

  3. Publius says:

    Leave it to Himes to see which way the wind is blowing before having an opinion. Why don’t we just elect a weather vane?