$108 M in muny aid saved, at the expense of 1,000 more layoffs

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2 Responses

  1. SeanO' says:

    The writing is on the wall for taxpayers to get tough with their local goverments, The bloathed pension schemes they contract to Public Sector Unions are legal robbery of the “Private Sector Tax Slaves, The Private Sector now fear the local and state goverments of of taking their assets than the criminals. It matters not what party is in power. Republican Roland was as corrupt as Democrat Gamin. That is why more and more voters are changing their registration to “unafilated” the party system has become dysfunctional, at every level of goverment. We are in the digital age now, and do not need parties. We can get on the webb and do our own oversight of our elected Political Scoundrels, if the are not representing the reasons we voted them in, we just vote them out.

  2. Sheep says:

    Join us on Face Book with now well over 500 state employees who sare standing up against SEBAC’s arrogance and Malloys temper tantrums. Find out the real truth and get a pulse of what is going on..


    Votenotoconcessions.com – well over 18,000 page views in 1 month – mentioned on the courant.com, CTNewsJunkie, Gov. Rowlands radio show…..

    We are the voice…
