Gov Malloy flies to the Middle East and all the Blogster got was lied to

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16 Responses

  1. CentralCTmon says:

    You said it LA Gym!

    Does your office face the park side or Capitol Ave side?

    Here’s what us taxpayers get from your boss Roy – More Snark per dollar than ANY previous governor’s mouthpiece!

    He’s an excellent fit for Mr. Malloy. Bet Ken remembers when we were paying him to blather for Senator Sullivan that he was just as condescending and obnoxious.

    Any evidence of respect for those who disagree? Hardly.

    It all comes from the top man and his right hand guy..Roy.

  2. L A Gym Girl says:

    Dear Ken, You threw the first punch and Roy O. isn’t suppose to defend his boss? I say, Good for You Roy! Actually Ken, you are the one who sounds like a pompous fool. Here’s the way it is for me, we could have Grandma Rell back who had no backbone and wasn’t a leader or we could be grateful we have someone of Governor Malloy’s caliber representing us and our family members. It is clear choice for me – Governor Malloy, oh and yes, Roy O – keep up the great work.

  3. sheila says:

    Malloy never made a sendoff or return but sends Nancy Wyman. On the other had, Governor Rell never missed a ceremony or a funeral. The loss was always acutely painful for the for Governor but she never failed on the task.

  4. Honest Soldier says:

    I happen to be one of the Soldiers that had the opportunity to meet with Governor Malloy during his visit and in my opinion more politicians should visit the men and women in the Armed Forces who are deployed in defense and support of this country. There are National Guard units and Active Duty units here that want to know that someone from the political arena from congressman to senators actually cares about them and how their living and how their being treated rather than simply how much money the mission is costing them. I am glad he was here and that he took time out of his schedule to see how his deployed constituents are doing because we matter too. I am not in a position to confirm or deny that you were lied to, however his trip here should be considered confidential anyway. It’s a little thing that we military like to call Operational Security.

  5. Mike says:

    I’m not super political either way, but have certainly not been happy with Malloy so far. But the reason I write this post isn’t about Malloy, but instead about Roy Occhiogrosso. Things must be pretty bad in the Governor’s Office if one of his high level staffers or even Chief of Staff (whatever Roy is) not only takes the time post, but then comes back three hours later to check the responses and post again (this time in a very negative and rude manner). Shouldn’t Roy O be working and not responding to blogs all day,,,even if he is in the Governor’s Press Office, he should still be informing the residents of the Gov whereabouts and not picking fights (or responding to fights) with bloggers. Seems pretty pathetic to me–i hope he isn’t paid with tax dollars!

  6. Todd Peterson says:

    Sounds like obfuscation to me. BTW, Roy, the money that you folks are going to pee away on the bus to nowhere could be better used doing something remotely productive. Two more words: pompous arse

  7. Steve J. says:

    One word: Security. Everybody was surprised about the trip to Kuwait, because like most foreign trips (especially the Middle East/West Asia) by any major public official on business (state or federal level), they’re not giving the press full disclosure until the trip is in progress.

    Considering the fact Malloy has been everywhere and public about his trips throughout the state (and some in other states), getting miffed about not knowing about his first high-security foreign trip is a bit facetious.

  8. George says:

    If Gov. Malloy was meeting with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta at the Pentagon, he was in VA, not DC.

  9. Kurt says:

    “What is the Governor up to today” sounds like a pretty good question from this voter. The question wasn’t what was he up to at the time that I speak to you. His office knew about the trip and chose not to disclose it. So, Roy, would you prefer the question to be: “What is the Governor up to today (that means now and in the immediate future)?” You may not have lied, but you sure didn’t tell the truth. Would you accept that kind of answer from your child? I doubt it. You would call it “lying” or being deceitful.

  10. Graciella says:

    The question “what is the governor up to today?” is reasonably plain question and “Meetings in DC, before leaving on a trip overseas to visit service members from our state” is a pretty transparent and reasonable answer to it. Flying to Kuwait is also fairly clearly not “Part of his never-ending attempt to get more money out of Washington for CT taxpayers.”

    The governor’s office shouldn’t have to be asked for an hour by hour timeline to get a full picture of the important items on the daily schedule (and going overseas counts as important) and if there’s an issue of confidentiality for security purposes involved, then there’s no reason for a representative of the governor’s office to be here making snarky remarks, the answer “full scheduling will be released at a later time” could’ve been provided.

    In fact, there’s no reason for a representative of the governor’s office to be here or anywhere making snarky remarks, period. Is this really how you represent the state?

  11. Tom says:

    How about one word that best describes the Malloy Administration: Arrogance

  12. Ken Krayeske says:

    Roy –

    Seven hours was still within the day. You’re parsing and it makes you look like a hack. Stop being a political operative for a moment and realize that to normal people, a broad, open-ended question like “What is the governor up to today?” isn’t an opportunity to obfuscate.

    The response that your office sent Ken was not truthful, and it mars the good thing the governor was trying to do by visiting our troops abroad.

    If Malloy wanted to a great thing, he would tell Obama to pull the troops out of Afghanistan now and have them home from the holidays. Both you and I know this war is wrong, and withdrawal is the only viable foreign policy choice in Afghanistan. But the Democratic Party has bought into the right-wing neo-con foreign policy ruse. Malloy, a party man, can’t break with the lock step.

    Malloy is far from capable of doing a great thing like advocating for peace and speaking truth to power. Your tete-a-tete with Ken here is pathetic, and I want a refund of my tax dollars that go to your salary when you engage in petty crap like this. You know the answers the Governor’s office gave here were wrong. Admit it.

    End the wars,
    Ken Krayeske

  13. Roy Occhiogrosso says:

    how about 3 other words: ask better questions

  14. Ken Dixon says:

    How about one word: “Transparency.”

  15. George says:

    No good reason for Gov. Malloy to journey to Kuwait, or for his staff to lie about the trip.

  16. Roy Occhiogrosso says:

    And let me pick two words: you’re wrong. On both counts. Gov. Malloy discussed several Connecticut-related funding issues with Sec. Panetta, and the flight you reference didn’t take off until about 7 hours after you contacted this office. Just setting the record straight.

    Roy Occhiogrosso
    Governor’s office