Malloy, getting new driver’s license, inadvertently shrugs aside REAL-ID Act of 2005

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4 Responses

  1. Ken Dixon says:

    Here’s the URL to the racism-fighting Southern Poverty Law Center’s report about the Center for Immigration Studies’ claims of independence.

  2. For where Connecticut is on REAL ID implementation… amongst the amusement of the Governor’s story… I thought folks may be interested in a REAL ID implementation update can be found at the Center for Immigration Studies website at
    This assessment concludes that states (1) see tremendous value in pursuing REAL ID standards in reducing fraud, increasing efficiencies, improving customer service, and supporting law enforcement; (2) are willing to pay for those improvements with their own budgets outside of federal grant monies; and (3) are often exceeding REAL ID minimum standards in order to achieve more complete credentialing security. This study finds that 53 states and territories are embracing REAL ID or the technical tenets of REAL ID and 36 will likely be compliant by the deadline of Jan. 15, 2013. Thanks, Janice Kephart

  3. Mayor McCheese says:

    The same thing happened to me.

  4. nowaytoday says:

    Typical democrat, do as I say but not as I do. I’m sure he is pushing people to obtain ID in order to be tracked or violate their civil rights but he himself knows it’s a bad idea. But he wont face retaliation due to he is the Governor (dem no less).