Gov. Dannel Malloy will join three other Democratic governors to talk jobs with union officials in D.C.

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3 Responses

  1. JTHM says:

    More proof that the Democrats are only interested in forced donatations from Union thugs.

    The only decent thing to come out of Malloy’s term is that it opens Ct up for a Christy type replacement next election.

  2. MrLogical says:

    Danny never met a union he didn’t like, nor a tax he wouldn’t raise. He’s a bought and paid stooge of the unions and he’s just down there getting his marching orders for the new year. They bought him they own him, and now they’re gonna tell him how he’s gonna stay in office for a second term.

  3. BobinThe2nd says:

    Shouldn’t he be in Ct and working on the budget?

    The timing of this is really poor.

    Is this a joke?