Planning and Development Committee votes unanimously to go after sexually oriented “massage” parlors

Today, the legislative Planning and development Committee, acting on testimony from Bridgeporters who are trying to close down as many as 19 sexually oriented massage parlors – four on Fairfield Avenue in Black Rock – voted unanimously to toughen penalties for unlicensed massage therapists. The vote was 19-0 and the bill goes should go to the Judiciary Committee before hitting the House floor.

 The legislation, according to a summary, would “add ‘shiatsu’, ‘acupressure’ and ‘Thai massage’ to the list of services that may not be advertised without a license to engage in massage therapy; to provide that employers who employ unlicensed persons as massage therapists are guilty of a class C misdemeanor; and to require the Commissioner of Public Health and local health departments to investigate complaints that persons are engaging in the practice of massage therapy without a license within thirty days of receiving such complaint.”