Malloy: why get taxed when you’ll be able to obtain affordable health insurance?

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3 Responses

  1. Chris says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble, John, but I’m 56 and have not seen a specialist in over 30 years. My last prescription drug was for Tylenol #3, prescribed by my dentist asa a pain reliever for when my third molars were extracted.

    You should speak for yourself. You have NO IDEA about how healthy many of us uninsureds are. I have paid FOR EVERY ONE of my annual checkups, including bloodwork WITH CASH!. So until I cost you money, Shut it! THere is something VERY wrong with someone if he can’t stay out of a dcotors office for months on end. If we uninsureds are so “unhealthy” then why is it that insurance companies demanded that we be included in the risk pool? Answer me that one, big guy!

    Here, I’ll spare you the trouble. We are forced to buy insurance (a misnomer) to make up for those who are BORN with illnesses, you know, the REAL drain on our medical resources.

    Just accept it: Some of us are healthier than you, and our good health is OUR asset, not yours!

  2. john(no kidding) says:

    Dear young and healthy,that’s a temporary condition(at least the young part) you are also planning on living a charmed life,better stay in your house , stay off the road and for that matter live in a bubble. I pray you live a long healthy life, but understand $— happens and it can get very expensive very fast when it does!

  3. If I’m young and healthy, why would I get insurance? pay the tax and then when I get sick, get insurance since i can’t be denied insurance for pre-existing conditions.

    Malloy doesn’t understand the perverse incentives the law creates.