Malloy briefs GOP leaders on budget shortfall in upcoming special session

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2 Responses

  1. joe Visconti says:

    Biggest mistake of their carreers. Malloy will blame both minority leaders as having a hand in cutting services to the public and every headline and article from here to 2014 will state ” bipartisan cuts”. Again the GOP has fools doing anything for some press. Swami Visconti says tell the governor to do his best with his Majority for Cafero and Mckinney were not elected to weaken their positions on fiscal responsibility but to strengthen them. Abstain from voting on any cuts and let them Dems OWN the whole enchilada, be witnesses and go on the record and paint this Dem controlled State. There is no such thing as working with Democrats John and Larry.

  2. Palin Smith says:

    “We ran for office for a reason,” McKinney. “We want to make our state a better place and we believe we have an important voice and important and good ideas that can help solve the problem. We want to be part of that. There’s the added benefit of demonstrating to the people of Connecticut that we can actually get our business done in a bipartisan manner.”

    If the Republicans fall for Malloy’s trap, they are numbskulls. There is no bipartisanship in Hartford. Democrats own everything. All the business done in Hartford belongs to Democrats. Let the GOP follow the President’s history and vote present.