Malloy asks state clergy to tell congregants about Connecticut’s version of the Affordable Care Act

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4 Responses

  1. Nocommies says:

    We need to recall this arrogant man!

  2. Nocommies says:

    Time for a recall of this arrogant man.

  3. jschm says:

    Affordable Healthcare? Not to the people whose policies were cancelled, and those who have to pay high premiums for policies with high deductibles and a lack of doctors and hospitals. Everyone should remember who destroyed the health care system – the Democrats.

  4. CatoRenasci says:

    Well, Connecticut was one of the last states to have an Established Church…. not Dan’l Malloy’s but an Established Church nonetheless.

    And the descendant of that church, the UCC, is little more than an arm of the Democratic Party in CT these days.