A bridge too far, again in Norwalk. Malloy calls for “crisis summit” on Metro-North’s “outrageous” failures

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One Response

  1. Jaap Van Dorp says:

    Does the Governor know that this 117 bridge is failing due to Ct failing to fund its rail infrastructure ?? How is blaming the operator of bridge, instead of owner of bridge gone do any good??
    Politicians like Rowland under funded for years, this governor rather spends his funding on a bus way near Hartford ?? Its CT that owns this bridge, Its CT that runs 86% of its trains on it, with Amtrak at 12% and about 2% freight, is it a federal problem ?? no its a state problem, and cost should be charged to Commuters, no need to have people up in Canaan, Washington Ct, Southbury or Willimantic pay for short comings of those that want NY jobs.