Will UConn officials have to turn in their Final Four tickets, under gov’s Indiana travel ban?

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18 Responses

  1. Ken Dixon says:

    Gentle reader. In fact it wasn’t the same, but the issue is moot now that an embarrassed Indiana legislature rewrote it and Gov. Pence signed it.

  2. Ken Dixon says:

    Connecticut’s law wasa not the same, gentle reader, but it’s moot now that Indiana rewrote themselves, in embarrassment.

  3. Ken Dixon says:

    Not quite gentle reader, but Indiana changed their controversial law by the end of the week.

  4. Ken Dixon says:

    Not quite, gentle reader, but Indiana came around in the end and rewrote their controversial law.

  5. Embarrassed Hoosier says:

    Personally, I care not for the background or history of the Governor of Connecticut, but I do want to thank him very much for taking a firm stand against the embarrassing and ridiculous, bigoted and thoroughly perverted actions that the GOP stronghold has chosen to take against a minority group of our residents, in favor of a favored few people who somehow suddenly feel the need for a legal basis to cover up their own bigotry. Nothing like this was ever previously needed by anyone, until UNTIL the fight against the law allowing same sex marriage was lost.
    Those people are still butthurt over that loss, and have admitted in print, in so many words, that this is the reason this law, as written, came into being. Pence’s minions have said so, and have been quoted directly. And Pence has said outright that a statewide law giving protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is NOT on his “agenda” and will not be considered as long as he is in office.
    So, no matter how much he waves his hands around and flip-flops and doubletalks and evades the issues or the pointed questions, as he is wont to do, it is not like any of the other laws passed in other states, because protections against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation HAVE been passed in those states, making this a totally different kettle of fish.
    Hell, even what’s-her-face in Arizona could see sense regarding passing such a law there, and refused to do so.
    So, Governor Malloy, thank you for seeing this bozo for what he is, and adding to his much needed embarrassment. The financial damage done on behalf of enforcing this wholly unnecessary, thoroughly embarrassing and completely selfish piece of legislation hopefully will be more than ample to hurt them right where it counts the most. But, unfortunately, they will never ever see why they are so terribly, awfully wrong, or why they need to rethink their approach to dealing with all citizens of the nation, and even the world. You just can’t fix stupid. But you can vote it out of office!

  6. anotherfan says:

    Another scam we did not know about like union members paying for union exects to go to Paris,France on our dime and frequent dinners and drinking at resturaunts.These scamers make a ton of money and can easily afford their own way!

  7. MJ says:

    Connecticut has an Identical law! Ban Connecticut travel!

  8. Washington Blvd says:

    we have the same law in this state idiot

  9. Gypsy says:

    Malloy may not wish to travel there but he sure as hell doesn’t speak for me or anyone else I know. I hope UConn tells him to go straight to H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS. And I’ll make sure to remember this come Election time, too, you better believe.

  10. tom sawyer says:

    Is the Governor aware that CT has a law already on the books that’s very, very similar to Indiana’s?

    Or is he such a grandstanding fool that he doesn’t even know what’s
    going on in CT?

  11. Rager2 says:

    Funny, Malloy bans travel on the states dime, but he has city employees work on his house in Stamford on the city’s dime… What a hypocrite.

  12. Moe Ronn says:

    Just how much state-funded travel to Indiana do you suppose we have??

  13. Liberty First says:

    “…Last week Gov. Mike Pence of Hoosierland, under the guise of religious liberty…”

    Kenny Dixon’s colors are coming through with that quote: under the guise of religious liberty.

    In this “progressive” state the fool that wrote this comment seems to feel it is OK to accept gays and lesbians. And that is fine since in this progressive state the citizens have elected a legislature to carry out their wishes concerning such tolerance. In another state, such as Indiana, their legislature and Governor approved a law contrary to Connecticut’s collective sensibilities. Is that wrong? Is that improper? If it is perfectly OK for our legislature and progressive ideals to be espoused in Connecticut, wouldn’t it be perfectly alright for a more consevative state to espouse something different if the legislature and Governor vote and sign that into law?

    What it boils down to is DKen Dixon’s pink panties are in a bind and he doesn’t have any tolerance for anyone that isn’t in complete agreement with him. Spoiled whining and crybaby fool. In both instances, Connecticut and Indiana, the will of the people is carruies out by the legislatures and executive offices but Kenny Crybaby doesn’t like the results in one of those states. Damned the will of the people, only Crybaby Kenny is right!

  14. Liberty First says:

    This has got to be the stupidest idea yet from the worst guna this state has ever seen.

    I wonder how this would fly concerning the commerce clause of the US Constitution? Can he legally inhibit commerce(which any excursion to Indiana could be) because of his silly order?

    And, why is it we must be compelled to accept gays, lesbians etc but this hypocrite fool feels it is OK to violate the tenents of all major religious groups? By this action he says we must be tolerant of gays and lesbians and who knows what other groups but are perfectly fine in being intolerant of people’s religious views.

  15. Russ says:

    Ct has had the same law on the books for years along with 28 other states, maybe Malloy should read it!

  16. Mag51 says:

    Here’s a thought … why doesn’t Malloy ban ALL out of state travel? That’s what companies do when they don’t have enough money to cover expenses. Connecticut is broke – stop spending money we don’t have. No state employee – including Malloy – should be traveling anywhere.

  17. Tom says:

    Good idea and the folks should stay away from Ct because they will be taxed to death.

  18. Igor12 says:

    Even though I don’t agree with the new law, Malloy would be the last person I would take advice from.