Conn. lawmaker who said gay marriage would hurt his marriage celebrates 60th anniversary

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4 Responses

  1. mike kennedy says:

    Dear Mr. Dixon
    Your article does not provoke me to hate you. Rather, I understand your words and your intent. You represent the liberal media very well. It is clear to me that you have same nanny state elitist attitude that most yellow journalist expose. Your condescending I know better than everyone is exactly what the founder fathers feared. As to you argument regarding gun control, you are dishonest to say the least and perhaps even an outright liar.

    The founding fathers, if you bother to read the federalist papers, or James Madison, believed that a person must rely on him or herself to defend his or her life and property. Self -reliance was one of the properties that used define America and Americans. Sadly Americans are no longer self-reliant, but the need for self-protection still exists. I live in urban city where the murder rate is quite high. I can tell you that the police do not prevent crime, but rather react to crime. Recently, my house was broken into and the burglary was still inside, it took the police an hour and half to arrive at my residence after being called. Even though I have a gun license and a gun, I did not try to confront the burglar. The use of deadly force does not allow me to engage a person not threatening my life. But had I been home, I might very have been killed without my handgun. Murder home invasions over the last ten years have become common. Why don’t you ask that elderly couple in Florida how well the police protected them when their home was invaded? But you need to speak loudly, because they are both dead, murdered in their home in a gated community.
    There are thousands of women that live in fear or have been murdered by jealous and abuse partners that had court issued restraining orders. I have a friend, he is a lawyer, he tells his clients to forget the restraining order, rather he suggests they buy a gun and then learn how to use it. Police and lawyers will tell you a restraining order is useless.

    As I write this letter, a drug smuggler somewhere in the United States is unloading a cargo that contains thousands of kilos of cocaine or perhaps 1000 lb bales of marijuana. A hand gun is no bigger than a kilo of cocaine. What makes you think that if handguns are outlawed that people will not smuggle them in and sell those guns to criminals. A criminal by definition does not follow the law. I suppose you could break down the doors door and search every house, but that would violation of the 4th Amendment. You know that Constitution is really toughest on liberals that always know what is best for everyone else.

  2. Jonesy203 says:

    Ken –

    You call out Adinolfi for comments made in 2003, well, how about Hillary? Clinton was adamantly against gay marriage until it was ‘convenient’ for her. You are, and always will be, a snake. Get a life.

  3. Philip Robertson says:

    Lil and Al are the most delightful couple I have ever known. If you ever have the opportunity, ask them about burning their bed.

    Numerous times I found myself rolling on the floor listening to them argue about burning the bed.

    Al and Lil are unique individuals who have molded as perfect a marriage as I have ever seen.

    I cherish their friendship over many years and campaigns.

  4. enness says:

    I think one has to be rather thick to interpret that as “we’re going to throw in the towel if this passes.” I don’t know what you believe you’ve debunked, considering the rest of what he said (and which you graciously reprinted).