What’s German for “PTO”?

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No Responses

  1. raul17 says:

    Thanks, Mike! Play a Jedi master, he will not!!

  2. Elmo the Usurper? Speak not his name.

  3. Ray says:

    Islanders training camp is booked for Nassau Coliseum this year. Sesame Street Live is booked there September 16-19 so the Isles have to move to Iceworks for the beginning of camp. Irony or does elmo truly hate the Islanders organization?

What’s German for “PTO”?

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3 Responses

  1. raul17 says:

    Thanks, Mike! Play a Jedi master, he will not!!

  2. Elmo the Usurper? Speak not his name.

  3. Ray says:

    Islanders training camp is booked for Nassau Coliseum this year. Sesame Street Live is booked there September 16-19 so the Isles have to move to Iceworks for the beginning of camp. Irony or does elmo truly hate the Islanders organization?