Nancy Lanza buried

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6 Responses

  1. Drew says:

    Nice post “John Doe”. Of course another action by a “coward” is to use a fake name on a website comment section

  2. Jane Doe says:

    Hello……..the news clip talks about the mother – not the shooter.

  3. IK says:

    I agree with you JD, my first reaction was that there should be a public burning of this kid’s body, but we know that won’t happen. I’m assuming the father will discretely take care of it so as to not draw much attention. As horrible as this kid’s actions were, he’s still the guy’s son.
    He’ll either be cremated or buried, but I’m pretty confident there will be no service of any kind. If he’s buried I really hope he does it in an unmarked grave, or at the most only his name and dates are on any kind of a marker.

  4. Heather says:

    God Rest her soul.. I mean I know people are angry , confused and bitter and that is understandable.. but what you fail to realize is that Nancy Lanza was a victim as well.and really so was Adam that young boy was in desperate need of Mental help and his needs were not met… In my opinion this is just a piece of what we have to look forward to unless changes are made in our psychiatric and school guidelines.. I live with Mental Illness in my family and it is not easy to get assistance for persons with Mental Health issues once they reach a certain age. The state does what the min. req. is and push them out… this boy needed SERIOUS psychiatric help and I am sure there were signs before this… Everybody involved is a VICTIM., God bless the families and friends

  5. ROBIN says:


  6. John Doe says:

    That freaking coward should be thrown on in the dump to rot and be eaten by rats (and kill the rats).

    He, or better, it, doesn’t deserve a burial. Son of a b…. will rot in hell. Enjoy the eternal fire you mf.