Police actively patrolling outside Newtown schools


(UPDATE – 2:25 P.M.)  With the release of the Sandy Hook investigation report imminent, state police have maintained a presence at the site of the demolished school, shoeing away rubber-neckers and enforcing a parking ban along the stretch of Riverside Road.

Two state police cruisers and a Newtown police SUV along with a team of officers are stationed at the end of the driveway to the site of the school, which has since been demolished.

Officers are posted at all of the town’s active schools along with a police SUV posted in downtown Sandy Hook and a noticeable saturation force of state police cruisers patrolling the town.

(UPDATE – 11:06 a.m.) The release of a report on the Sandy Hook shootings later this afternoon has Newtown and state police out in force this morning.

While Newtown officers are stationed at the town’s schools throughout the day, additional officers are stationed in downtown Sandy Hook and a noticeably high number of local and state police have been making rounds throughout town.

UPDATE — School buses have begun arriving as police wave in SUVs and minivans filled with students.
The police presence here is obvious, with officers standing guard outside Hawley School and patrol cars routinely passing.

NEWTOWN — Police outside of Hawley School on Church Hill Road are keeping a tight lid on the school grounds.
Officers on scene advised me that media will be kept off school property and across the street as parents drop children off for the school day.

Dennis O'Malley